More than skin deep

An ever-expanding range of body enhancements are available in Geelong to meet the demands of an increasingly image-conscious clientele.


Maybe it’s our celebrity-saturated Western society but cosmetic enhancement seems to have become one of the largest growth industries of the past decade.

Obsession with a youthful appearance has become commonplace in contemporary society as more people use cosmetic procedures to fight the aging process.

Confidence and self-esteem is more wrapped up in how we look and present ourselves to the world than ever.

While the advent of this trend might seem to have become apparent in the past decade, the desire for beauty is not just a modern phenomenon. Beauty practices date back as far as Cleopatra’s milk baths and even further.

Some cultures have imposed often-extreme discomfort to enforce customary practices, such as binding feet, ritual tattooing and body scarring.

But modern practices are more scientifically based than ever despite controversies about the psychology of cosmetic enhancement.


Read the full story in the latest GC Magazine – in newsagents now.