Words: Tanya Carroll, Eyewear on Pako
Winter is upon us.
It’s time to dig out your winter woollies, get your flu shot, buy a beanie, make some soup and try to stay warm.
If you suffer from dry eye, central heating may make them worse. Here are six simple steps you can take to minimise the discomfort caused by dry eye in winter:
First, blink more. Many people find that dry eye gets worse when reading or using a computer. This is because we blink less when we are doing anything that needs a lot of visual attention.
Second, use a humidifier. Opening windows for a few minutes on cold days will also help.
Third, lower the temperature in rooms when possible.
Fourth, use lubricants. Ask your optometrist whether lubricating eye drops may be helpful for you. The treatment for dry eyes depends upon the cause, so it is important to speak to your optometrist if your eyes feel dry.
Fifth, give yourself a screen break. People tend to stay inside, watch more television and spend more time using computers during winter. Using a screen will not damage your eyes but prolonged use can make your eyes tired and dry.
Remember to take breaks and operate the 20:20:20 rule: every 20 minutes take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away.
Lastly, for a comprehensive eye health check this winter give the friendly team at Eyewear on Pako a call to book an appointment with one of our optometrists. It only takes around 30 minutes and is bulk billed through Medicare.
Updates from Eyewear on Pako are available on instagram@eyewearonpako.