Beautiful illusions

Moi-Yo was in her heyday known as the most beautiful woman in the world.

NOEL MURPHY meets Geelong’s Moi-Yo Miller, once billed as “the most beautiful woman in the world” during an exotic international career with the world’s leading illusionist.

MOI-YO. The name speaks volumes in elegance, the exotic.

Geelong’s satin-draped beauty, bejewelled and turbaned like an Oriental femme fatale.

As she glides across the stage, the blazing spotlight reveals, almost shockingly, why she’s billed as the most beautiful woman in the world.

She’s drop-dead gorgeous.

Somewhere between Dietrich and faerie. Smiling radiantly, beguiling and whimsical, arresting. A show-stopper.

Moi-Yo Miller, undisputed queen of illusionistas, is stealing the show from none other than the great Dante. Upstaging the king of magicians himself.

But Dante’s not fussed. He’ll even the score in short time.

He’s about to cut the striking Moi-Yo Miller in half. That’s harsh.

It’s not the worst thing, though, that will happen to the lithe Australian-born beauty Dante recruited and dubbed the Most Beautiful Woman in Australia.


 What’s it like being a 98-year-old former glamazon? Turn to page 12 of this month’s Geelong Coast Magazine to read more about Moi-Yo mystical adventures.